Talk about easy and fun. This piece was done using bleach and water. Inspired by the book " Casting Shadows by Colleen Wise. My grandson , Jake and I created this quilt in an afternoon. He chose leaves off the ground and we traced them on freezer paper. Next iron them down to a piece of black cotton and spray with a bleach water mix. When the color started to leave we threw it in a bucket of water and dish soap. Rinsed it thouroughly and then set it in Vinegar and water for 15 minutes. We pressed it and the put on fabric leaves offset on each one. 2 borders were added , I threw it on the longarm and it was done. A quick trip to the framers for a copper frame and there it was!!!!! Fast , Fun and easy!!!!!!!!!
Wow Cool Idea see the blogs working already!~!!!!
I was told today that I could also use Anti Chlor that they use for aquariums.... Thats a great tip...
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