I used stamping to do the fish, I stamped a light color of cream down; then I stamped in a dark color. After I did this I used art chalks and a medium stamp. I pressed the medium on the stamp and stamped over the cream printing I then dusted on the chalk and whisked away the excess. This is mot a medium size stamp but a stamp pad full of mediium. It was fun to see the images of ferns and fish appear as I applies the powder. patience was key here because I had to wait for area to dry before I could restamp over with the black ink.

Here's a close up of the fish and the ferns . Keep playing till it looks right to you. My grandson came in and said it needed Birds and a deer . So I next took a piece of Lutradur and using acrylic paint and a fabric medium painted it a midnight blue color.After the lutradur dried I applied steam a seam !! to the front and then I layed a piece of foil on top. I put parchment paper over the foil to protect my iron. After it cooled I pulled off the foil and was left with a webby spider web effect. I used this piece to create the crows. I went online and looked for non copyrighted crows. Found some I liked then I traced them on tissue and cut the images out of the lutradur. I then applied them with fusible web.
Here's an overall view as it stands now, notice the sketched in tree branches for the crows. I blocked the quilt to maintain its flatness by pressing it with a damp cloth, be careful when repeatedly pressing as you don't want to melt the angelina, or burn the inks. Obviously this is not a piece that will ever go in a washing machine but you still need to be careful
Stay tuned for part 3 as I add leaves, deer and bind the finish piece.

1 comment:
This is really beautiful.. I'm glad I found your blog.. I will visit if often. I saw your post on quiltart list.
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